13 December 2006

The Holiday Nightmare

It's almost over, this semester. And I can't even describe how happy I am about it. I'm hoping I'll have a relaxing break before it starts all over again. Although, I don't think next semester will be nearly as bad as this one was. I don't think my break will really be that relaxing because I still have to work and I can tell you right now that people seem to be extra grumpy during the Holidays. And I thought it was supposed to be the happiest time of the year. I can't tell you how many times I got yelled at today. I didn't realize how many adults are still children in that when they don't get their way they throw a fit until they do and more often than not even if I stand my ground someone above me caves in and gives them exactly what they want and they never learn. I was listening to the radio the other day and there was a guy that needed to pay the taxes on his new home and it was the last day but when he went to the place to pay them they were closed and he seriously started throwing a fit. Throw-yourself-on-the-ground-bang-your-fists-and-cry kind of fit. I think he ended up going to jail because he attacked an officer in his rage. I just don't get it. Is it really worth your dignity to get exactly what you want when it was probably your fault that you didn't get it in the first place? Is it worth walking all over other people and screaming and swearing at them? I don't think so. It's not worth the time or the energy it takes, whether it changes things or not. Can't we just accept our plight and move on? Ah, in a world where the material didn't matter so much. I love Christmas but I think I'll love it even more when I'm not working in retail. It wouldn't be so bad, I don't mind the business and I love when people come in and they're so excited about what they're buying because it's a gift but then there are so many who ruin it for me. Bunch of babies who can't control their temper tantrums. I am much more willing to help you when you are polite and kind otherwise when you scream at me that you're "never shopping here again!" and expect me to care I really won't. It would make me very happy if I never saw you again.


plugalong said...


megan said...

Mindy! I've become such a slacker when it comes to reading anyone's and everyone's blogs. I've actually been quite myopic in that respect.

Yes, retail during the holidays is downright horrible. I remember, retail and other times of year could be bad, but during the holidays? Yuck. I hope for the next two weeks you get only happy, kind customers--that's my Christmas wish for you! And especially after Christmas when everyone and their dog is returning everything, it can be even uglier, so i hope you get to avoid that in your area of retail.

Unknown said...

The joys of retail. I have such a GREAT time telling people there is no hope to have something framed in time for Christmas. They simply love me. They are all such slackers, thinking they can have everything they want at the last minute. Is it my fault you're slow and indecisive? No, Customer, no.

inanechatter said...

It's okay about not reading blogs. I've been kind of a slacker at posting them. I hope your Christmas wish comes true. We actually combined the office so I'll be working in customer service dealing with returns a little bit now.
I'm a slacker that puts off buying gifts until just before Christmas mostly because I can't think about it until after finals. However, I don't cry about it if I can't get something right away since it's my own fault. Can't people take responsibility for their own procrastination? Don't blame me! Seriously. Sheesh.

kidzdilemmas said...

When customers get like that, you should just send them to someone else.

Cassidy said...

For the last few years I have HATED Christmas and I could never figure out why. I was just SO bitter towards the whole season, but this year I had a wonderful time... and it is because I no longer work at RC Willey. I am SO serious. Get out as soon as you can!