02 October 2006

My Very Own Lappy Top

Today Bryant and I bought a lap top for me. I cannot express my thorough excitement about it. Maybe I will post more now that I have access to a computer at practically all times of the day. My laptop is a pretty little one, weighing only four pounds so hopefully it won't be too much of a pain in my back to haul it around. I will let you know though. I hope you will all share in my excitement. (It's not a dell, by the way, it's something like enpower. It's from Bryant's work so it should be good). Anyways, I am super excited and I know you all care.


plugalong said...

Woo hoo for laptops eh! We've come a long way from the old comodore 64 (anyone else remember that?).
That last comment better not have been sarcasm missy. Of course we do -even if we aren't so good at it. Come visit me sometime, would ya. If you have time. I suppose you are a newly wed, working, and going to school....I forgive you.
Love you tons!

Cassidy said...

I tihnk that you should name your lap top Lappy and then talk about it like it is an actual person, "today Lappy and I went to class and we were both SO bored." and then when people ask you who Lappy is, just roll your eyes like they are so dumb and say, "Lappy is my computer." Then sigh at their stupididy and walk away.
PS Miss and Love you,

Unknown said...

I am very excited for you. I really wish my laptop was smaller and weighed less because sometimes it can be a pain in the back. I'm glad to see you haven't disappeared entirely from the blogging world.