14 January 2009


I was standing in the grass with my mind off in space just waiting patiently for the dog to find the perfect spot to potty (he has to sniff around for at least 10 minutes). I feel him bump up against my leg and didn't think anything of it...but then I hear something that sounds oddly like running water. I look down and the dog has lifted his leg to pee...on me. SICK! I yelled no at him and hopped away. Luckily, none got in my shoe (I was wearing simple flats). I did however get a bit on my pants, which I washed, immediately. I guess Buster is preparing us for having a boy. Hopefully I won't get peed on by the kid.

11 January 2009

It's been a while

For Christmas Bryant was able to get the entire week off of work and so was I (what are the chances, eh?) so we decided to go to Utah to spend it with our families. I had all these intentions of things we were going to do and people we were going to see while we were there and thought we had plenty of time. A week is enough to fit it all in, right? Nope, I was definitely wrong. We had a great time and I still don't know where all of our time went. We spent time:

Eating (of course! Christmas dinner is the best!)
Spending time with family
Playing games (Celestial Companion, Texas Hold 'em, etc)
Doing a puzzle
Opening Presents (and getting spoiled, thanks so much everyone!!)
Taking the dog out to potty in the snow (he loved it btw, I did the first couple of times but it got old)
Playing with the new puppy
Having dinner with friends (Thanks for letting us use your car Ord's!)
Relearning to single crochet around a blanket (Thanks mom! The blanket turned out really cute- as long as you don't look too closely at my poor job but I think I'm getting better ;)
Playing Bingo at the Whitings (thanks for including us, we had a lot of fun and the prizes are fantastic!!)
Going to the movies with Micquel and Jeff
Playing games at the Guymon's
Nikki's wedding reception

...and I'm sure many other things that we thouroughly enjoyed but my pregnant brain is a little forgetfu (much better than it was at the beginnning though).

Thanks to everyone that mad our Christmas a grand one!!

To you we didn't get to see (Sara, Lisa, our Willey friends, etc.) I'm sad we missed you but hopefully it won't be too long before we come again (maybe not till after the kid arrives).

Btw- Sara my phone died and I completely forgot to charge it so I didn't get your text until after Christmas so I'm sorry I didn't respond so here is a late Merry Christmas to you!! Good luck with your final semester, I know you'll do great and maybe I'll even be in Utah by your graduation (Isn't it May or June-ish?).

Sorry for the lack of pictures. Bryant and I are both slackers on the picture front and tend to end up with pictures of our dog (which who wants to see pictures of our dog?) or really lame random ones that have nothing to do with anything... We really need to be better about that.