23 September 2008

Poor Baby!

Well since Mindy doesn't really like to post that often, I decided that I would take the liberty and do it for her. As most of you probably already know, I spend 5 days a week in Chicago then come home for 3. So I got a text on Saturday saying that our little puppy had broken his toes. I was like, WTF...dogs don't have toes, so therefore he didn't break his toes. I tried calling Mindy like 3 times, of course she can send me a text and not answer her phone 3 seconds later /shrug. Anyways, I guess Mindy was doing laundry in our room and decided to let the dog stay on the bed while she was doing it. Well she had to go into the laundry room to go get more clothes to fold and if you have ever met our little puppy, he has to follow us wherever we are. Doesn't matter, we cant take a shower without him being in the bathroom with us. He's just so loving. Anyways, well she forgot about his ambitious spirit and went into the laundry room. Well Buster would have none of that, he decided he would follow....by jumping off the bed. Well we have a queen size bed that has a pillow top and a box spring and it sits pretty high off the ground. Well when he landed, he must have landed wrong or something, because well, he really did break his toes. The front left foot all of his toes were broken. I wasn't there to see what happened, but I guess when he fell off the bed he made a huge huge fuss and noise. So loud actually that a neighbor who was outside came up running to see what had happened. She thought that we might have been out of town or at work and Buster had gotten hurt without us knowing about it. Well when she came knocking at the door, Mindy opened up to let her in and show her what had happened. Our neighbor, Sharice, is so nice, she actually drove Mindy to the vet right then and made sure Buster got taken care of. He got taken care of alright. Poor dog =(. He has a little green cast that he wears and has to have one of those cones on his head to ensure that he doesn't bite at his cast. I have taken a few pictures to show you how sad he looks. But he is still super cute, but I feel so bad for him.

The sad part is that he will have to wear this gear for 6 weeks. That is so long for this little guy. He isn't really allowed to do anything. He cant get his cast wet so he wears a bootie over his cast, which he was wearing in those pictures. We have to keep him quiet so he doesn't get too excited and play too much on his feet. Its kind of hard for him to do because he is still so young. Actually, he is 4 months old today, so another month and a half for him like this haha. Its sad, but funny at the same time. He knows when I'm laughing at him and it just makes him so sad. Anyways, that's all for now.


micquel said...

poor little puppy. he does look sad (and funny) in that picture. give him some scratches from me.

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Sad, but really funny! Kelvin was at my parents house on Sunday and he was telling us and I couldn't stop laughing just thinking about it:)

Oh yeah and keep updating your post is very entertaining!

Unknown said...

I love it! Not the sadness for the puppy, but I love that you're updating the blog! I was also in Heber when the news came in; we were all shocked! Hope your little guy gets feeling better soon... and keep us updated with more posts! (You're a very entertaining writer!)

smellame said...

Oh man, that poor poot buster! I kind of wish I had seen the crash landing. Then again, I think that I probably would have cried and not laughed if I actually saw it. what a sad cute puppy.

Andy & Ashlee said...

Oh, that breaks my heart! Poor little thing. I didn't know that you were staying in Chicago. We only live 4 hours from Chicago. We have been wanting to come and see what Chicago is all about, we will have to get together sometime! Is Mindy still living in Texas or is she in Utah now? We are a little out of the loop. Hope things are going well for you all. Take care of the pup.

WitchFirebird said...

Oh sad. Poor little guy...Hope he gets better fast!