20 February 2008

Student Teaching

This semester has been so busy so I'm sorry for not posting for over two months (if any of you are even reading this). I started student teaching in January and I am really enjoying it (for the most part). There is another student teacher with me that I am able to plan with so that helps with the work load and she's been great to work with. The cooperating teacher has been really great too. She always has positive comments for us and seems to understand that we are still learning so she gives us one thing to work on in our next lesson (instead of expecting us to be perfect or having us try and fix all of our flaws at once). I was really nervous about student teaching but the people I am working with have really made it a enjoyable learning experience. I'm busier than I have ever been before. I leave for school at 7 am and get home at about 3:40. I have about 10 minutes to grab a quick bite and then I leave for work to get there at about 4. I don't get off work until almost 10 pm at which time I come home, work on lesson plans and prepare for teaching the next day for maybe an hour. If I'm lucky I get to talk to Bryant for a little bit and then I crash to start all over the next day. I try to get most of my planning done while I'm at school and on Wednesday when I don't work. On Wednesday I'm at the school usually until about 5. The semester seems to be going so slow but I think it's more because I have so much happening once I'm done. I just take one day at a time and try to enjoy the journey but sometimes I get so anxious and just want to be done! It's been stressful but good and most of the students I'm working with are really great students. They really make the days fun and help me to make it through. I'll try and keep you posted on the teaching experience but if I don't post for a while it's probably because I'm just a little busy.


Sara said...

Holy busy! It's definitely nice to have good people to work with, though!

Krystal said...

wow. ..I remember those days. . .I'd work one job at 5am, then go to class, then work another job until around 9pm then do homework.

at least this is your last semester! and I'm so glad to see you blogging again! I check your blog all the time :)

Unknown said...

Man alive! How do you do it, Mindy? You're amazing. I hope you have time on weekends to have yourself a bit of fun. Maybe you could come play games with us some Sunday night if you're not too tired/busy. Good luck!

Brooke said...

Ya, a new blog!! I'm glad to know what's going on in your life again. Wow, your life is crazy. I can't believe you're almost done though. Congrats!

smellame said...

My sister-in-law, Heather, just asked how you were doing. I should have told her busier than a moose! Not that moose are busy, but that's just what I thought of first. I did tell her you were doing your student teaching. I think that she has her student teaching left to get done. If you wanted to know. Anyway, look me up if you ever want to see your ol' sister, cause sometimes I want to hang out, if you have a spare minute, and if you can work out what I am typing. What?

megan said...

Wow, Mindy. Can I just say I'm proud to know ya and call you sister. I'm not half as busy as you are, and I don't think I've posted for an even longer time than you. Ha, it's been so long I don't even know! So now worries on the posting. But you better believe I'll be checking once I know you're not so busy!!

Great job. I'm just so impressed.

plugalong said...

Whew. Busy times can be good times.
You have, what, another month? Amazing. Good job.
Mom said you've applied in Arizona already, have you heard anything?
Keep us posted when you have time to breathe, eh!