01 February 2009


Well, the plan was that I would work up until the baby came and save what money I made and try to live off of just Bryant's income but apparently we don't need the practice. On Thursday night I received a call and my work told me not to come in on Friday. I wasn't too surprised because it has been super slow at Honda Finance the last couple of weeks and they already let one temp go but it was a little bit frustrating that I wasn't given any kind of prior notice so I could make sure I brought everything of mine home with me. Luckily, all I had there that I really cared about was a water bottle and I can pick that up from the temp company when I drop my badge off. I guess that's what happens when you're a temp. I'll have plenty of time to prepare for the kid now. I'm excited not to have to work when Bryant's home but now I'll have to find ways to fill the time while he's gone (and of course he's gone for 6 days this trip which is the longest trip he's had for at least the last month). Oh well.

On a happier note, some friends from the ward threw me a baby shower on Friday that was a lot of fun. The food was delicious and the company was great! I, or rather the baby, got totally spoiled. Everyone was so thoughtful and we have so many cute things for the baby now. Everyone here has been so great and supportive, I'm really going to miss all the friends I made when we move. I think one of the girls took pictures at the shower and is going to email them to me so I'll post some of those when I get them.


smellame said...

This is such a yucky economy. We are wondering if Ryan will even be able to find work. But yay about getting to be home and about the baby shower and friends and all!

Layne & Ilene said...

Mindy, that is a frustrating story. You are now another victim of our wonderful economy. "Hang On and enjoy the ride." We are excited to hear the news of your baby's birthday. Good Luck! Hope Bryant is somewhere near when the day comes. Thinking of you both, all three. Love, Bryant's Aunt and Uncle.

Unknown said...

What a poopy economy we have. I'm sad for you.

But that's awesome that you have great friends who will throw you a baby shower! That's great.

plugalong said...

I hate the idea of applying for a job, however, I like the feeling of independence and freedom that would give me. Must mean I have spring fever...
Hooray for cute baby things!

Kyle said...

Not so cool. But dang cool. That baby is going to rock. Try not to let Buster bite him. Are you guys coming back eventually?

smellame said...

So Mindy I would really like to hear about how you are feeling. I want to see your big belly. You are on the home stretch!

plugalong said...

I want to see the big belly too! I bet it is nice not to have to work as it gets harder to roll out of bed and you have to pee twice every hour - or maybe you won't have those problems as you are tall and have more vertical space?
Any names? What about Jasper? Ha,ha.

micquel said...

Two weeks!

micquel said...

one week!