13 December 2006

The Holiday Nightmare

It's almost over, this semester. And I can't even describe how happy I am about it. I'm hoping I'll have a relaxing break before it starts all over again. Although, I don't think next semester will be nearly as bad as this one was. I don't think my break will really be that relaxing because I still have to work and I can tell you right now that people seem to be extra grumpy during the Holidays. And I thought it was supposed to be the happiest time of the year. I can't tell you how many times I got yelled at today. I didn't realize how many adults are still children in that when they don't get their way they throw a fit until they do and more often than not even if I stand my ground someone above me caves in and gives them exactly what they want and they never learn. I was listening to the radio the other day and there was a guy that needed to pay the taxes on his new home and it was the last day but when he went to the place to pay them they were closed and he seriously started throwing a fit. Throw-yourself-on-the-ground-bang-your-fists-and-cry kind of fit. I think he ended up going to jail because he attacked an officer in his rage. I just don't get it. Is it really worth your dignity to get exactly what you want when it was probably your fault that you didn't get it in the first place? Is it worth walking all over other people and screaming and swearing at them? I don't think so. It's not worth the time or the energy it takes, whether it changes things or not. Can't we just accept our plight and move on? Ah, in a world where the material didn't matter so much. I love Christmas but I think I'll love it even more when I'm not working in retail. It wouldn't be so bad, I don't mind the business and I love when people come in and they're so excited about what they're buying because it's a gift but then there are so many who ruin it for me. Bunch of babies who can't control their temper tantrums. I am much more willing to help you when you are polite and kind otherwise when you scream at me that you're "never shopping here again!" and expect me to care I really won't. It would make me very happy if I never saw you again.

09 November 2006


I had a huge group project proposal due today that was really stressing me out. We had to put it all together within two days (Aaaah!). Last night we spent four hours as a group writing our project proposal (two of those hours were spent trying to find sources). I wanted to cry. Well, today we turned it in and she graded it right there. We got 50/50 not to mention an "excellent" comment on our paper. Out teacher then came up to us and told us we had the best one. I wanted to jump for joy (fortunately I refrained). My weekend will be so nice because that is one huge relief for me. Now I just have to write my ten page paper. sigh. It never ends.

06 November 2006

School Days

I swear sometimes I think this semester is never going to end and other times I think it is going by way to fast. I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here. And before we know it it will be Christmas. Crazy. I'm getting very tired of school. I honestly don't have freetime for anything but homework and I am practically killing myself just to make sure I pass all of my classes. I figured it out and if everything goes according to plan I will be graduating in Spring of 2008. Hopefully when I get there I'll be able to look back and tell myself that it was worth it because right now I'm not so sure. I suppose it's because I value my sleep and my fun too much. I should probably just get used to it though because life will never be as relaxed as it once was. sigh.

15 October 2006

. . .

I suppose if I require others to create new posts then I should be willing to create a new post. There is this book of poems by Jorie Graham. It is called The Dream of the Unified Field. We are reading it for my English 314 class and it is a bit inaccesible. I really like a lot of the poems but they are rather hard to understand and take a little work. Here is one that I really like.

Over and Over Stitch

Late in the season the world digs in, the fat blossoms
hold still for just a moment longer.
Nothing looks satisfied,
but ther is no real reason to move on much further:
this isn't a bad place;
why not pretend

we wished for it?
The bushes have learned to live with their haunches.
The hydrangea is resigned
to its pale and inconclusive utterances.
Towards the end of the season
it is not bad

to have the body. to have experienced joy
as the mere lifting of hunger
is not to have known it
less. The tobacco leaves
don't mind being removed
to the long racks--all uses are astounding

to the used.
There are moments in our lives, which threaded, give us heaven--
noon, for instance, or all the single victories
of gravity, or the kudzu vine,
most delicate of manias,
which has pressed it luck

this far this season.
It shines a gloating green.
Its edges darken with impatience, a kind of wind.
Nothing again will ever be this easy, lives
being snatched up like dropped stitches, the dry stalks of daylilies
marking a stillness we can't keep.

Jorie Graham. Dream of the Unified Field Selected poems 1974-1994. Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Page 16.

I'm not positive of the intended meaning or if there even exists an absolute meaning but when I first read this the beginning of the poem reminded me of those times when I pause and watch the world move without being a part of it. I'm not sure how to explain it but things "hold still for just a moment longer" and "there is no real reason to move on much further." Graham seems to be saying that life is worth living; "To have experienced joy as the mere lifting of hunger is not to have known it less" and "There are moments in our lives which, threaded, give us heaven." I really like that latter line. Anyway, even though I don't really understand her I really like her poems and can find beauty in them.

02 October 2006

My Very Own Lappy Top

Today Bryant and I bought a lap top for me. I cannot express my thorough excitement about it. Maybe I will post more now that I have access to a computer at practically all times of the day. My laptop is a pretty little one, weighing only four pounds so hopefully it won't be too much of a pain in my back to haul it around. I will let you know though. I hope you will all share in my excitement. (It's not a dell, by the way, it's something like enpower. It's from Bryant's work so it should be good). Anyways, I am super excited and I know you all care.

22 July 2006

Happy Pioneer Day

I decided since you all couldn't join us for our July 24th celebration with I would post some pictures so it would almost be like you were there.

28 June 2006

If you want to rate some movies

and see my movie ratings go to this link and follow the instructions.


18 June 2006

It's been a while

but you'll have to forgive me (if anyone is even reading this). Let's just say I've been a bit busy. You know the whole getting married thing plus leaving the country. Currently I am in Chang Mai, Thailand. It's pretty nice here. It's a lot cooler (as in not so hot) than anywhere we've been so far. But that could just be because it's been raining. We only got here today so i'm not sure what it will really be like. It's seems like a pretty chill place; pretty relaxed. I'll have to write a better blog when we get back so I can include some pictures.

Thailand is pretty much awesome. We stopped in Bangkok on our way to Chang Mai and went to this awesome mall. It was huge and very nice. We went and saw X men 3. That is a crazy movie. i liked it. The movie theater was awesome. It had leather seats and the screen was huge. It only cost us about 4 American dollars each to see the movie too. Pretty awesome. We've had some pretty crazy things happen but we'll have to save those stories for another day.

21 March 2006

Thank You

My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window,
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there, they'll all imply
That I might not last the day
And then you call me and it's not so bad
It's not so bad

I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life

Push the door,I'm home at last
And I'm soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel
And all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now
I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me

And I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life

And I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh, just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life


This blog dedicated to Bryant who truly is the love of my life. Everytime I hear this song I think of you because I could be having a bad day and then I see you and I can't help but smiling. I just wanted to say thank you for putting up with all my silliness. Thanks for always going out of your way to take care of me. You're the best.

Things I love about Bryant...

I love your green eyes.
I love your laugh. It always cheers me up.
I love when you wink at me.
I love how you're always cracking jokes.
I love how you push me to be better than myself.
I love how you always ask my opinion. Even about little things like what matts you should get for the car.
I love how you listen to me. Even when I'm venting about something that bugs me.
I love how I catch you staring at me. You make me feel beautiful, even on my worst hair days.
I love hearing all of your crazy stories from growing up.
I love how you give me a hard time about things and you never take it too far.
I love that you try and teach me about cars even though I can't seem to get it all straight.
I love when you call me at work just to talk.
I love how your always encouraging me to do things even when I complain about how hard they are or how much I don't want to do it.
I love how you offer me your arm.
I love how you get "mad" if i'm not holding your arm tight enough.
I love when you put your arm around me or put your hand in the small of my back when you're introducing me.
I love LOVE your smile. And most of all....


23 February 2006

What I dislike about group work

Number 1: I dislike group projects because you have to find a time when everyone can meet outside of class. Inevitably someone can't make it or once the time is scheduled someone forgets and doesn't show up and either they get screwed or the group gets screwed.
Number 2: Group dynamics. When you have a group you have to deal with no one taking charge, too many people taking charge, arguments, etc.
Number 3: People never get things finished when they say they will so someone ends up finishing the entire project the night before. gay.
Number 4: I don't really like having to talk to people
Number 5: Most likely you have to present in front of the class and who really likes to do that? Teachers. That's who. They should be teaching the class not us.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. All in all group projects aren't really that bad at least when you end up with a good group which I did in this class so that turned out ok. And it does make the assignment easier in some ways. For one your not doing all the work yourself, that is if you don't end up with a gay group that doesn't do anything. And everything gets edited quite a few times because none of you really trust each other to do your jobs well and in the end you have a better paper.

21 February 2006

Hot chocolate

I seriously had the best hot chocolate the other night. It was reese's peanut butter cup hot chocolate from seveneleven and I added a couple of vanilla creamers and a chocolate creamer. To top it all off I added those little mini-marshmellows that are especially made for hot chocolate. mmm...yummy. The only downfall is that on our way home while I was enjoying my hot chocolate I had a bit of a mishap and spilled it down the front of my shirt. Luckily, I think I got the spots out. Thank you liquid tide.

This blog dedicated to: micky-d, may it fulfill all of your wildest dreams

06 February 2006

Las Vegas

Well kids, I just got home from Las Vegas. It was prett sweet. I loved the water show at the bellagio. I loved shopping. We found the coolest little store in a casino where everything was $10. They had watches, purses, sunglasses, bracelets, necklaces, and scarfs. I ended up buying a watch and sunglasses and let me tell you they are pretty nice. I loved just chilling with the girls too. We went to the stratosphere. That was awesome. We went to the very top and rode one of the rides. It's kind of like the blast off ride at lagoon except that you're already about 1000 feet up. It was kind of funny because one of the girls we were with is afraid of heights and somehow we all convinced her to go. And then she was totally fine with it. A little scared but not too bad. But one of the other girls that had helped to convince her to go started crying on the ride. Pretty ironic.

30 January 2006

This is a...

survey type email that I got quit a while ago so some of these answers don't really apply anymore but I thought it was kind of cool as far as surveys go. I'll have to do it again sometime with a new artist.

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: I’m going to try Ben Harper

Are you male or female: Woman in You
Describe yourself: Diamonds on the inside
How do some people feel about you: She's Only Happy in the Sun
How do you feel about yourself: Alone
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Pleasure and Pain
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: (currently without)Waiting on an Angel
Describe where you want to be: In the Lord's Arms
Describe what you want to be: Beloved One
Describe how you live: One Road to Freedom
Describe how you love: Forever
Share a few words of wisdom: Fight for your Mind

Ode to Dr Pepper

I have to say I never used to drink soda because it made me feel a little ill every time. But lately I've become addicted to a couple sodas. In particular, Dr Pepper and Ruby Red Squirt. I just love the taste of them but the only problem is (besides the fact that they both have caffeine and are carbonated) is that they still make me feel a little ill but sometimes I'm just in the mood for the taste of them if that makes sense. I just love the sweet fizziness.

28 January 2006

Nose Picking Adventures

I was at work the other day just sitting at my little desk being bored. And I was looking around the store and there was this guy sitting in a rocking chair across from the office and his finger was jambed up his nose digging around. And then he pulled it out and looked at his fingers and flicked them. I was utterly disgusted that a man who was probably in his late 30s maybe early 40s was picking his nose in public without a kleenex. I'm pretty sure he caught me looking at him but he wasn't really bothered by that fact. I'm sure everyone has or does pick their nose but most people do it in private with tissue nearby unless they're like five and then they do it will they're singing with the primary in sacrament meeting (it really happened just last Sunday)

27 January 2006

New Years Resolutions

So I tried the New Years link on micky-d's post but for some reason it wouldn't let me post it so I'll just tell you what it told me my resolutions should be

1. Get a pet hairless cat
2. Eat more hotdogs
3. Travel to Mexico
4. Study taxidermy
5. Get in shape with capoeira

So I'm not really sure what capoeira is but I hope it's good. I definitely need to eat more hot dogs. My diet shockingly lacks hot dogs, although I can get them for free at the Willey. I cannot wait to study taxidermy. I think it is my new calling in life


I mostly made this so I could comment on other peoples blogs.